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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2019-01-06
核心提示:時間:2019年7月4-6日Date: July 4-6, 2019 地點:中國武漢國際博覽中心(漢陽) Venue: Wuhan International Expo Center, Chin


Date: July 4-6, 2019


Venue: Wuhan International Expo Center, China






Hosted by

China Amusement Design Association (CADA)

Asian Theater & Cinema Association

Asian Association of Entertainment Venue Owners

Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group



Organized by

Wuhan Howee Co., Ltd.


大屏幕時代網 大屏幕網 全屏網 大屏幕顯示網 環球光電與顯示 國際光電與顯示 中關村在線顯示器頻道 中國投影網 投影時代網 國際投影網 投影在線 投影之窗 LED環球在線 LED導航網 中國LED廣告照明網 中華液晶網 國際LED 網 LED世界資訊網 中國LED顯示網 中國LED專刊光學科技 中國光學在線網 光電新聞網 中國半導體照明網 中國激光網 中國工業激光網 激光世界 電子元器件八方資源 國際電子商情 中國國防電子網 中國電子信息網 國際電子網 世界電子元器件網 工控網 中國制造網 數字通信世界 手機界 天極網達成網 軍橋網 廣東軟件 中國數字電視 ##電視與寬帶多媒體 世界廣播電視電視技術 中國視覺網 視虎網 中國視聽網 中國數字視聽網 中國數字音視網 視聽工程網視聽中國 專業視聽上海視聽網 聯廣視聽 音響網 中國音響信息網 艾維網 世界音響 世界專業音響與燈光 電聲雜志 電聲技術 慧聰網-教育頻道 HC教育網 慧聰網-燈光音響頻道 騰媒國際影音網 家庭影院技術 國際演藝科技 電氣與智能建筑 國際智能建筑網 數字社區&智能家居 政府采購信息網 中國采購與招標網 泛商網 中國購物中心雜志 3G網站專家 5G展會之星 中國自動化網 自動化設備門戶網

Media Partner

There are some media partners, including www.pjtime.com, www.pdp.com.cn, www.ty360.com, www.projector-window.com, www.ledgb.com, www.jjjlll.com, www.esmchina.com, www.dianzi.biz, cn.made-in-china.com, www.vcg.com, www.av-china.net, International Pro-Audio & Lighting, Audio Engineering, Home Theater, www.yykj.org,www.3gwzzj.zdhsbw.com , www.zhzx.zdhsbw.com, www.91zdh.com, m.chengyuanli.cn and so forth.

【CWDSF 2019】about CWDSF 2019


There is slim chance for traditional CRT display to satisfy people’s ever-increasing demand in display effect, along with rapid development of computer multimedia technology. The rising large-screen projector technology has become an effective way to solve the problem of coloured large screen display, while it gets wide application and its market demand is growing. In 2022, the global LED display market size will reach USD9.349 billion, and the composite growth rate is expected to be 12% from 2018 to 2022. Among them, the indoor small-pitch market size is expected to grow to UISD1.997 billion in 2018, with an annual growth rate of 39%, and its compound growth rate will reach 28% in 2018-2022.


湖北地處中部,地理位置優越,近年來經濟增長迅速,GDP占據全國第七,特別是武漢已被列為國家中心城市,各行業迅猛發展,對信息媒介需求更加強烈,大屏幕市場需求十分龐大,眾多行業(公安、交警、電信、銀行、證券、通信、交通、建筑、衛生、機場、軍隊等以及企事業單位)對終端顯示設備的要求朝著大型化、高清晰化方向發展。同時武漢的巨大市場輻射能力,決定著武漢成為大屏幕產品展示、交流、銷售和采購的前沿陣地。為推動中部大屏幕行業發展,由中國娛樂設計師協會、亞洲娛樂場所業主聯盟協會、亞洲影劇院聯盟協會、廣東鴻威國際會展集團有限公司聯合主辦,武漢鴻威國博會展有限公司承辦的“2019武漢國際大屏幕展覽會”(簡稱CWDSF 2019)將于2019年7月4-6日在中國武漢國際博覽中心舉行。本屆展會旨在展示與交流大屏幕產品新技術、新產品,為企業和用戶之間搭建技術交流和展示的平臺,助力企業開拓新興市場。

In recent years, Hubei has witnessed rapid economic growth and its GDP ranks the seventh in the country. In particular, wuhan has been listed as a national central city with rapid development of various industries and the stronger demand for information media. As a result, the market demand for big screen is enormous. Many industries, including public security, traffic police, telecommunications, banking, securities, communications, transportation, construction, health, airports, military, etc. make higher claims of terminal display devices. In an effort to facilitate the development of big screen in central China, Wuhan International Digital Signage Fair 2019 (CWDSF 2019) will be held during July 4-6, 2019 in Wuhan International Expo Center, with the backings of China Amusement Design Association, Asian Theater & Cinema Association, Asian Association of Entertainment Venue Owners and Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group. BDS2019 aims to build a platform for enterprises and users to exchange and display technology, to power enterprises to tap into emerging markets.

【展品范圍】Exhibition Scope


Large-screen system integration: multimedia central control, matrix, switcher and other signal processing systems; conference video system (HD video conferencing collaboration system), security monitoring, etc;


LED screen: LED display, advertising display, supporting components, LED intelligent control system, etc;


Projector: DLP, LCD, LCoS projection products (front projector, rear projector); laser projector, micro projector, 3D projector, LED projector, HD projector, interactive projector, LED+laser technology projector; interactive whiteboard, optical engine, optical lens, imaging device, power supply, etc;


Audio-visual products and system integration: stereo display (3D TV, 3D Internet TV), stereo projection and other stereo display products; panel display (large size LCD and plasma display products and systems); products with touch screen, smart home and home entertainment systems, professional sound reinforcement system; 3D TV industry chain products, 3D classrooms, 3D home theater and other concepts, 4D theater, etc;


Digital signage: digital signage (AV/IT convergence products), information distribution systems, management software, external devices, integration and advertising content, etc;


Others: e-books, electronic sandboxes, large-screen mobile phones, large-screen laptops, netbooks, etc.; large-screen electronic book-turning system, multimedia information publishing system, etc;


New technologies, new products and application solutions: green, environmentally friendly & low-carbon energy-saving new technologies and new products; large-screen system integration application solutions, outdoor advertising application solutions, LED application solutions, projector application solutions, etc.



Professional Visitors

Professional visitors are from government, police station, bank, hotel, subway, airport, supermarket, army, design & consult company, installation company, education, museum, theme park, etc.





Concurrent Event

Wuhan International Conference Industry Expo 2019 (WCE 2019)

The 2nd Wuhan International Light & Audio Fair 2019

The 2nd Wuhan International KTV & Bar Equipment Fair 2019


1、專業Call Center團隊,全年呼叫宣傳,手機短信SMS推送,微信推送。



4、展會電子快訊(EDM):主辦方有十多年的辦展經驗,擁有龐大的目標買家數據庫,定期發送 EDM,讓展會動態精準直達10萬余名目標客戶。

5、利用社交媒體擴大宣傳:用互聯網思維從移動渠道提升展會曝光度,利用微博、微信、QQ 群等共推展會信息,全面推廣合作企業的新產品新技術。


7、推介會:展會前 1-3 個月將在湖北 8+1 城市圈用戶組織用戶推介會,為展會組織有真正購買需求的買家。

8? 組織專業買家團:與行業權威協會、商會等機構精密合作,在華中地區全面宣傳及推廣展會,攜手合作、共同組織地區專業參觀團體。

9? 大眾媒體宣傳:湖北省電視臺、人民日報、湖北日報、楚天都市報、楚天金報、武漢晨報、武漢晚報、長江日報、中國經濟報、南方網、大洋網、大楚網、荊楚網、新華社、騰訊、網易、新浪、搜狐、得意生活等。

Global Campaign

1. Experienced Call Center to publicize by various methods such as SMS, Wechat, etc.

2. To cooperate with more than 200 professional media and over 50 mass media to cover an overall report for the event.

3. To email the invitation to more than 100,000 visitors.

4. To send the EDM on regular basis to about 100,000 target client in the data base.

5. To expand publicity by social media or platforms, such as micro blog, QQ, twitter, Facebook, etc.

6. To attend other industry exhibitions and hand out the visit tickets.

7. To hold the promotion meeting three months early.

8. To organize the professional buyer groups by cooperating with industry associations, chambers, societies and other units.

9. To expand publicity by mass media such as Hubei Television Station, People's Daily, Hubei Daily, Chutian Metropolis Daily, Chutian Golden Newspaper, Wuhan Morning Post, Wuhan Evening News, Yangzi River Daily, China Economic News, etc.






Contact Us

Add: B3, Wuhan International Expo Center, No.619 of Parrot Road, Hanyang District, Wuhan City

Tel: 86-027-84611828

Website: http://www.cwdsf.com



自動化設備贊賞碼上網 新zdhsbw400-150

      網站支持:3G網站專家www.3gwzzj.zdhsbw.com 5G展會之星 www.zhzx.zdhsbw.com 中國自動化網www.91zdh.com 自動化設備門戶網m.chengyuanli.cn


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